We wish to announce that consequent to the demise of Deshamanya D.H.S. Jayawardena, the Board of Directors on 06 th February 2025 has decided to appoint Mr. D. Hasitha S. Jayawardena, Non- Independent Non-Executive Director to the office of Chairman / Executive Director of the company with immediate effect.
Mr. Hasitha Jayawardena holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration BBA(Hons) from the University of Kent in the United Kingdom.
Mr. Jayawardena has over 12 years of experience in the management of companies under the guidance of his late father Deshamanya D. H. S. Jayawardena, in various fields in the Group. He has been managing and providing strategic directions to the plantation sector and leisure sector of Melstacorp Group. He also functions as the Managing Director of Stassen Group of Companies.
Mr. Jayawardena is a Director of Melstacorp PLC, Balangoda Plantations PLC, Lanka Milk Foods (CWE) PLC and Madulsima Plantations PLC.
The aforesaid appointment has necessitated the Board of Directors to appoint Mr. L.H.A. Lakshman De Silva, Independent Non-Executive Director, as the Senior Independent Director with immediate effect.