But through faith, patience, love and compassion, it has

But through faith, patience, love and compassion, it has

Much has been happening on the “wife’s acceptance” front the past couple of weeks. Those of you who have been following my journey to acceptance (both my own and my wife’s), will know that this is a time Bu web sitesine göz atın I never thought would come.

A couple of weeks ago, my wife and I were talking. It was one of the occasional times when she’s comfortable enough about where things are to actually converse about my crossdressing.

She was worried that I might be spending too much money, because she recognizes that even going out once a month, I need new outfits to wear. Who wants to be seen in the same skirt and blouse every time out?

So she made a gesture that almost brought me to tears–she took me to her closet, pointed out several things she no longer wears, and said “they’re yours if you want them.”

I was astounded! Way back when I started documenting my journey into feminine expression, I didn’t think she’d ever get to this point. I have never been happier to be proven wrong. Well, that’s not true. I have since been happier to have been proven wrong, but read on. ??

I prayed for God to open her heart and mind enough to accept and support me. God answered that prayer many times, and answered it once more that day. I have not stopped thanking Him for all He has done to lift me. His gifts amaze me constantly.

My wife and I were out looking for shorts and sandals for her. Ended up at the mall. We’re heading toward JC Penney and passing Charlotte Russe, so she asks if she can stop in there to see what they have for sandals.

Before getting to the shoes, she stops by the clearance rack. Pulls out a black dress with a black-and-white skirt. She holds it up to herself and looks at the price ($20) and goes to put it back. I notice another price on the flip side of the tag. $6.99.

“$6.99??” she asks, incredulous. She looks at it again, seems to think for a moment, then SHE HOLDS THE DRESS UP TO ME.

I couldn’t even think of anything to say

My gast was completely flabbered. She found a large, but looking at it more closely she said the belt would be too low on me and the skirt was too short anyway (it was a very long top section in solid black, and a very short black-and-white skirt portion, set very low). I agree…It was cute, but it was weirdly proportioned and I didn’t really care for it, but what a surprise she gave me!

We browse the clearance racks for a few moments more (notice I said “we”…I was openly looking through the racks with her, knowing that we were both looking for me. But there wasn’t anything I really liked, nor her.

So then we move on to the shoes. She doesn’t see any sandals she likes, but she does spot a cute pair of boots. Then we notice the sign that says “Buy one, get the second pair for $15”.

“There’s nothing else here I want,” she says, “Is there anything here that’s your style?” Again I hit her with the “What?”, because I’m a master of language.

She gets her size, tries them on, and loves them

“For that price we have to get another pair,” she says. “I don’t want to know about it, but I’m willing to buy you a pair so we don’t waste the bargain.”

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